


Short Film Day

Bertrand Mandico and Elina Löwensohn - CURTAS 2024 (ENG)

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Bertrand Mandico and Elina Löwensohn in dialogue at CURTAS'24

Bertrand Mandico's innovative and visually captivating work challenges the limits of imagination and artistic expression. A showcase of his work will be featured at Curtas Vila do Conde, along with a spotlight on actress Elina Löwensohn.

Bertrand Mandico's work has become a regular feature in the official selections of the world's major film festivals, defying conventions and genre classifications, and expanding the boundaries of contemporary cinema. Described as inventive, liberating, unconventional, and controversial, Mandico's surrealist and visually captivating approach to cinema encompasses a body of work that challenges the limits of imagination and artistic expression. His films combine elements of experimental and classical cinema, often delving into themes of identity, sexuality, and metamorphosis within a visually rich and provocative framework that reconfigures traditional conceptions of the human body.

As part of the In Focus series at Curtas Vila do Conde, a substantial portion of Mandico's work will be showcased, along with a White Card featuring selections from films that have influenced his cinematic perspective, including works by Federico Fellini, Walerian Borowczyk, Tony Hill, and Bogdan Dziworski. In addition, the festival will screen three feature films featuring Elina Löwensohn, providing a broader context for the actress who has played the lead role in most of Mandico's films. Originally from Romania and now based in the United States, Löwensohn has collaborated with various avant-garde directors, showcasing her undeniable talent and versatility in adapting to different cinematic styles, from American indie to European cinema. The Vila do Conde festival will present three of her most acclaimed performances, which are considered cult films, particularly for a generation of film enthusiasts from the festival's early days: 'Nadja' by Michael Almereyda, 'Simple Man' by Hal Hartley, and 'Sombre' by Philippe Grandrieux.

Both the director and the actress will be in Vila do Conde in July, where they will engage in a meeting structured as an interview, with Mandico as the interviewer and Löwensohn as the interviewee.


Any virgin left alive?, Bertrand Mandico, 2015, França, 9’

Apocalypse After, Bertrand Mandico, 2018, França, 38’

Boro in the Box, Bertrand Mandico, 2011, França, 40’

Les Garçons Sauvages, Bertrand Mandico, 2017, França, 110’

Living still life, Bertrand Mandico, 2012, França, Alemanha, 15’

Nadja, Michael Almereyda, 1994, EUA, 93’

Nous les Barbares, Bertrand Mandico, 2023, Luxemburgo, França, Bélgica, 27’

Prehistoric Cabaret, Bertrand Mandico, 2014, França, Islândia, 10’

Rainer, Bertrand Mandico, 2023, França, 26’

Rien ne sera plus, Elina Löwensohn, 2022, França, 13’

She is Conann, Bertrand Mandico, 2023, Bélgica, França, Luxemburgo, 105’

Simple Man, Hal Hartley, 1992, Reino Unido, Itália, EUA, 105’

Sombre, Philippe Grandrieux, 1998, França, 112’

The last cartoon, Bertrand Mandico, 2022, França, 8’

The return of tragedy, Bertrand Mandico, 2020, França, Alemanha, 24’

The show has already started, Bertrand Mandico, 2023, França, 21’

Carte Blanche - Bertrand Mandico

Butterfly, Shûji Terayama, 1974, Japão, 12’

Downside Up, Tony Hill, 1984, Reino Unido, 17’

Hommage à Beksinski, Bogdan Dziworski, 1985, Polónia, 20’

Outer Space, Peter Tscherkassky, 1999, Austria, 10’

The Negative Hands, Marguerite Duras, 1978, França, 14’

Toby Dammit, Federico Fellini, 1968, Itália, França, 45’

Two Sisters, Caroline Leaf, 1991, Canadá, 10’

Une bonne à tout faire, Jean-Luc Godard, 2006, França, 8'

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Curtas Vila do Conde

International Film Festival

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